Thursday, June 3, 2010

the future lies ahead

I hate giving titles to my stories or to my blogs or to the songs i write. Anyway I just had leftover chinese rice from last night with desi gheeya. Did i mention my taste buds are dead. I can never tell when something tastes good or not. When i eat too much, i come to the conclusion that the food must taste good.
It's summer time and here I am doing nothing again. Watching movies, re-re-discovering Bob Dylan and biting and kicking every one in the house. Convenient how you spend your year making plans of things to do in the summers an then forget them when the summer arrives. I remember I wanted to write a story but the creative writing course last semester has driven me well away from any form of creative writing what so ever, ofcource assuming that this isn't creative. This summer is all about picking up from where i left off. I've started reading Midnight's children again after I lent it to a friend mistakenly after only reading a few chapters. What a good book. Brilliantly done in my opinion, with a hundred million interpretations. Then theres Bob Dylan. I used to hate him as a child because of his rusty crow like voice. And he looked scary too, considering i was only 10. Then I heard the song rolling stones and thought it sounded nice. He still didnt hit me (what a thicko i was). Then, when i was 19, a friend stumbled across an unknown Dylan track, "If you see her, say hello". When i heard the first verse 'She might think i've forgotten her, dont tell her it isnt so', I was in awe. This guy was amazing. I rummaged through my own hard disk and found his greatest hits. And then it happened, I heard "most of the time". I remember how I couldn't stop thinking about how well written the song was. He had to be one of the best song writers EVER. After describing how he's invincible and in control, the tone with which he says 'most of the time' uhh * dies*. He was in my phone, on my mind and in my heart. Another friend made me a CD, entire Dylan collection. Then i found 'Its alright ma, i'm only bleeding' and 'Pawn in their game' and 'north county girl' and 'Highway 61' etc etc. He's so cool with his 'Dont know and dont care' attitude. How he fusses over a glass thrown in the street and messes up his press conferences with the most random answers and how he rarely laughs. I've also come to really adore that girl Joan. She has everything going for her and yet she has that personality that makes you love her no matter who you are. *sigh* moving on
Every summer I think up a tune while I can't sleep at night. Every time I tell myself, I will make a song. |Needless to say I don't. Last night at 3am, I came up with a tune. It sounded okay so I decided to write a song. Usually I do it the other way round but hey. Anyway I'm on it now. Lets see how it goes. I'm constantly comparing myself to Bob Dylan and thinking 'I should quit before I hurt myself'. Considering that, this will be another one of those fruitless summers.
Why is it that young people are so enthusiastic about everything? I feel i never was a teenager. Wonder where that part went. Now I want to help. In anyway I can. Something tells me the enthusiasm is short lived.
I wish to go abroad for post-Grad. But, so does everyone else. I dream about if often. How id be surrounded by books and multi-cultural friends (what a strange dream to have). Id be able to have fun, stay out late, do whatever I want. Seems to good to be true. Probably is even. I can't even sleep alone at night. I'm scared of the dark and I hate standing in line. I'm this over-protected bum, They'll kill me out there. I'm not scared and am willing to learn how to survive on the streets but whose gonna let me. 21 years old and still dreaming about freedom. What a life we Muslim kids lead. Muslims as in born to Muslim parents. Don't get ideas.
I hate relationships and I know I can't work in them. The moment I step into one, I start having second thoughts. I always have one foot out the door. They aren't my thing, I know for sure.
Ive seen a few good movies too. Need to watch Alice in Wonderland though. Heres a list along with rating out of 10.
a. Whisper of the heart (jap anime) 7/10
b. Grave of the fireflies (jap anime) 8/10
c. Wrath of god (german) 7.5/10
d. The other side of the mirror (on Dylan) 6/10
e. Don't look back (on Dylan) 6.5/10
f. Duck soup (Marx brothers) 8.5/10
g. Religulous (Bil Maher) 7.5/10

Still have Russian ark, Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain, Dr. Strangelove, Amadeus and City lights left. A few more german and Bengali ones. I'm all set for the next one week.
So I have become addicted to this mind rotting game called World of Warcraft. I'm level 41 now, i think. I have died more times then the number of quests i've completed. Pathetic I know. Most of the time My soup is just running around trying to find the corpse. Sometimes I get fed up and ask the spirit healer for help. I'd rather bear with the resurrection sickness. though that too is annoying as hell. I've got a new horse and I can wear plate now which is cool. I have a fear of tanking eventhough thats what I'm supposed to be doing. It's just a fear of leading people. What if I pull too many, what if I cant focus the enemy's attack on myself and some bastards kills the healer. Its only a game I know.
My shoulder hurts. Good bye.

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