Sunday, October 3, 2010

You and Me

It isn't mine, nor his. It's ours. For the first time in my life, It's ours. I know...i'm in love.
There is an image, in my mind. He is lying on his bed, awaiting me. The filtered sunshine is falling on his back from the window. He is wearing that shirt I love and a smile. I could sit and stare for a lifetime.
I think of you. You make me sit. You catch the stray hair falling on my face and place them behind my ears. You hold my face in your palm and stare. I want to capture that look in your eyes.
I love the way you look at me.
I sometimes fear waking up. Maybe he doesn't exist. Maybe I needed someone like him so much, I created him from thin air. But then I touch him, I lye in his arms, i feel his lips on my face and I know he's real. I know he's mine.
I didn't think love like this existed. We aren't in a rush. Everything is smooth and easy. I help him get along in life, he pushes me on my way. Yet, we wait a while to stare into each others eyes for what seems like forever.
I don't care how long you and I last. I've already had the time of my life.

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